Popular Nollywood actress and Tiktok sensation, Iyabo Alice Ojo, had taken to her Instagram page to send a strict warning to her Nollywood colleague, Elizabeth Anjorin to desist from stalking her on the cyber space.Iyabo Ojo blows hot as she warns Liz Anjorin against cyberstalking
Popular Nollywood actress and Tiktok sensation, Iyabo Alice Ojo had taken to her Instagram page to send a strict warning to her Nollywood colleague, Elizabeth Anjorin to desist from stalking her on the cyber space.
This warning according to Iyabo should be on record as the matter between them is still in court. Iyabo said, “I am compelled to expose a disturbing pattern by Liz Anjorin. Despite our ongoing court case, she continues to target my loved ones, hurling curses and defamation at them from her social media space.
“I urge the authorities to take note of this announcement. I’m warning you publicly for the last time. Cyberstalking is a crime, be warned.”
This warning according to Iyabo, should be on record as the matter between them is still in court. Iyabo said, “I am compelled to expose a disturbing pattern by Liz Anjorin. Despite our ongoing court case, she continues to target my loved ones, hurling curses and defamation at them from her social media space.
“I urge the authorities to take note of this announcement. I’m warning you publicly for the last time. Cyberstalking is a crime, be warned.”