Ace Actor, Yomi Fabiyi has narrated how Mohbad’s brother, Adura Aloba, has requested the sum of 3 Million Naira from him in exchange for a video that shows how Mohbad, Ilerioluwa Oladimeji Aloba was pushed from the stairs during a heated argument with hi wife Wunmi.
In a press conference held 15th January 2025 in honour of the deceased posthumous Birthday which had in attendance Mohbad’s mum and the brother, Yomi, narrated how he alerted the police officers in charge of the case presenting them with the video evidence.
Yomi said, “Adura Aloba reached out to me to pay him N3million in exchange for a video of Mohbad and his wife, Wunmi, in an altercation where he was pushed down the stairs and broke his neck.”
Reacting to the statement, Mohbad’s mother urged the actor from mentioning Adura saying, “I don’t want anything to happen to another child.”